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Unpublished Michael Strunge Juvenilia: 'Ziggy i forstad'/'Ziggy in Suburbia'

Photograph of David Bowie receiving an autograph from Michael Strunge (1978)


Ziggy in Suburbia

Ziggy Stardust opens his eyes.

Looks at the sky for light,

goes down in the street, mid-morning,

buys cigarettes.

An Earthly habit.

“The self-destruction planet,” thinks Ziggy

and sees the cars rush by

while an old alcoholic

throws up in the gutter.

Shudder in Ziggy’s eyes.

Turns away. Thinks of the clear, pure…

The Earth people live in space.

On Ziggy’s planet they lived in time

and Ziggy finds it hard to

to get used to the walls constancy

and these things that never


Ziggy’s eyes fill with tears.

He has gotten used to it.

Ziggy sits himself by the window

and lives with his mirror-image.

Naturally he loves himself.

As do all the clear, pure…

They just have a copy of themselves

in 3D.

But Ziggy is alone

with his own self.

Ziggy looks at the glass’s beautiful youth.

Shudder of longing.

For Ziggy time goes fast.

“On this strange worthless planet.”

It is dark.

and the eye’s mirrors become like two stars

that see the city from the dark.

Light and madness.

“Wonder if they know what they do.

Who manipulates them?”

Ziggy never sleeps.

Doesn’t eat either.

Ziggy senses himself

through the images of the sick planet.

(From time-to-time

Ziggy tips a little ash from the ashtray

out into the air

and sees it defeated

by gravity. But not too often: “Not too often.

Who could fly

after being burnt.”

One day something will happen.)


Ziggy i forstad

Ziggy Stardust åbner sine øjne.

Ser på himlen efter lys,

går ned på gaden, formiddag,

køber cigaretter.

En jordisk vane.

"Selvdestruktionens planet," tænker Ziggy

og ser bilerne fare forbi

mens en gammel alkoholiker

kaster op i rendestenen.

Ziggy gyser i øjnene.

Vender sig væk. Tænker på de klare, rene ...

Jordmenneskene bor i rum.

På Ziggys planet levede de i tid

og Ziggy har svært ved at

at vende sig til murenes ustandselighed

og disse ting der aldrig

flytter sig.

Ziggys øjne fyldes med tårer.

Det har han vænnet sig til.

Ziggy sætter sig ved vinduet

og lever sig ind i sit spejlbillede.

Selvfølgelig elsker han sig selv.

Det gør alle de klare, rene ...

De har bare en kopi af sig selv

i 3D.

Men Ziggy er alene

med sit eget selv.

Ziggy ser på glassets smukke yngling.


For Ziggy går tiden hurtigt.

"On this strange, worthless planet."

Det er mørkt

og spejløjnene bliver til to stjerner

der ser byen fra mørket.

Lys og vanvid.

"Wonder if they know what they do.

who manipulates them?"

Ziggy sover aldrig.

Spiser heller ikke.

Ziggy sanser sig

gennem billederne af den syge planet.

(Engang imellem

hælder Ziggy lidt aske fra askebægret

ud i luften

og ser den besejres

af tyngdekraften. Men ikke for ofte: "Not too often.

Who could fly

after being burnt."

En dag vil noget ske.)


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