00 Source text :
Love is a smoke made from the fume of sighs (Romeo and Juliet Act I, Scene I)
01 Alphabetically
02 Anagram
Smog, hide her muse! A mist of love makes off
03 Lipogram in b, c, j, n, p, q, w, x, y, z:
Love is a smoke made from the fume of sighs
04 Lipogram in a
Love is smoke fumed from sighs
05 Lipogram in i
Love, a smoke made from the fume of groans
06 Lipogram in e
Loving smoking as in a cloud of sighs
07 Transposition (W + 7)
Luck is a smother made from the funeral of signatories
08 Strict palindrome
Sh.g is foe? mufam of e, dame kom sa s ie vol.
09 Missing letter
Loves a smoke made from the fume of sighs
10 Two missing letters
Love is a smoke me from the fume of sighs.
11 One letter added
Glove is a smoke made from the fume of sighs
12. One letter changed
Love is a smoke made from the fume of signs
13 Negation
Love is not a smoke made from the fume of sighs
14 Emphasis
Love, what we call love, is made, that is, consists in, a smoke, an insubstantial noxious miasma detrimental to your health, brought into being by a fume, I mean, by fuming, a burst of anger, deriving from that displeasure signaled by an all too human ‘sigh’.
15 Curtailing
Love is made from a fume
16 Curtailing (different)
Love is a fume of sighs
17 Double curtailing
Love is made
18 Triple contradiction
You call that love? You think it’s a gas? Who says that’s a sigh?
19 Another point of view
Romeo, pack it in!
20 Minimal variations
a) Love is a coke made from the loom of highs
b) Love is a cloak made from the womb of mice
c) Love is a bloke made from the spume of flies
21 Antonymy
Hate is an airiness destroyed to placate self-restraint
22 Amplification
The idea that love is merely the residual wistful mood as an after-effect of spontaneous sexual engagement is a problem troubling the young Romeo at this point in the play.
23 Reductive
Love: it’s short-lived and you will get burned
24 Permutation
A smoke made from the fume of sighs is love
25 Interference
O reason not the need; love is a smoke
26 Isomorphisms
a) The heart’s pulse a product of gnashing teeth and pumping bellies
b) Finer feeling is whittled into flame from two rough sticks of rough bark
27 Synonymous
I dismiss romance as a euphemism for that brief respite following copulation
28 Subtle insight
Gonorrhea was endemic in 17th century London. Just saying.
29 Another interference
We are such stuff as dreams are made from the fume of sighs
30 Homoconsonantism
Leaves I smell kill maudlin French maids forced my fart’s sagging heart
31 Homovocalism
Foes will always occlude an enemy ostrich easily; use oil instead
32 Homophony
Gove is a joke, mate, bomb the loon tonight
33 Snowball with an irregularity
but nice
34 Heterosyntaxism
I claim love is smoking with sigh’s fumes
35 In another meter
Love as smoke from sighs arise
36 Interrogative mode
Should we choose to not suffer love’s violent cravings?
(We leave the reader saddled with this painful question…)